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$65M Grant Available for Hurricane Fiona and Ian Response and Recovery

$65M Grant Available for Hurricane Fiona and Ian Response and Recovery

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is taking applications for Fiscal Year 2023 Capital Assistance for Hurricane Response and Recovery Efforts (CARE) funding. This funding, totaling $65 million in total with $490,000 per award winner for an estimated 130 awards, is intended  to help health centers fix or improve their buildings and equipment after being affected by Hurricanes Fiona and Ian. Health centers with an active site located in an area declared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to be impacted by the hurricanes can use the money to fix damages and get ready for future emergencies. Uses can include:

  • Responding and recovering from emergency and/or disaster impacts and/or;
  • Increasing the capacity and capability to prepare for, respond to and/or recover from future emergencies and/or disasters that will support the continuity of access to high quality primary care services for underserved populations.

The grant's period of performance is 3 years, from September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2026 .

Applications open up May 25, 2023 via HRSA Electronic Handbooks submission only, and are due by 5pm EST July 5, 2023. For a full breakdown, including full eligibility requirements, summary of funding, restrictions, and more, download the guide below

Fiscal Year 2023 Capital Assistance for Hurricane Response and Recovery Efforts (CARE)

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News: USDA Invests $4.6 Million in Rural Healthcare in Oklahoma

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HRSA Awards $12 Million to Improve Healthcare in Rural Delta Communities

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