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Medication Clinics

Increase the Impact of your Opioid Treatment Program - Outreach, Admissions, Stabilization


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It's a great privilege to come alongside health centers like yours and help create access to care and health equity to under-served and vulnerable populations, especially those that need treatment related to substance use.

All of us at Mission Mobile Medical are honored and humbled to provide services to health centers that provide needed substance use disorder care. Mobile Medical Clinics bring treatment options to people that would ordinarily not seek or receive treatment due to barriers such as transportation, lack of insurance, or the stigma associated with care, which results in changed lives.

This directly ties into our mission to increase access to care that provides lifesaving medication, counseling services, education, and connects people to essential services.

We hope to connect with you soon!

Jacqueline Gerchman, Director of Addiction Services

Final ISO-1


On the Road to Recovery 

  • Average 89 days from deposit to impact
  • Counseling/Exam/Medication Spaces
  • DEA Approved Safe and Security System
  • Fully configurable to ADA
  • Full Bathroom with sink & toilet
  • Wifi mesh network
  • Modern finishes (not industrial)


DEA fully supports mobile OTP clinics and has approved 33 since late 2021. Our design was the first US MAT clinic approved under the updated security regs, and our team participated fully in that program design and launch. We know this space.

Security is the mountain to climb - DEA believes mobile clinics should have security equal to brick-and-mortar OTP’s; approved safe, alarms, video-recording capability in the dispensing room, self-closing door hinges, and more.  All of these requirements stem from the original 1970 security regulations.

In every case, in alignment with DEA protocol, all clinics (including mobile) must be approved by your local DEA Diversion Investigator.

Final security requirements will vary by location.

DEA Approved OTP Mobile Clinics.pdf (3)



Follow Linda E. Hurley and CODAC Behavioral Healthcare as they launch the country's first Mobile Medication Clinic under the new DEA regulations.

CODAC provides mobile Assessment and Treatment induction, Medicated Assisted Treatment (MAT), outreach and counseling services, plus general health checks which include blood pressure screenings, glucose readings, and mental health screenings.

Sail with the Wind

DEA regulations have always emphasized the importance of maintaining robust security measures to prevent the theft and diversion of controlled substances (e.g., 21 CFR 1301.71(a)). This requirement applies equally to mobile NTPs and their components. You want to work with a team who not only understands requirements, but has experience, expertise, and established relationships with regulators to support approval and start-up.

Additional Requirements

In certain situations, mobile NTPs may require extra security measures that go beyond the specific requirements set by DEA regulations in order to effectively safeguard against theft or diversion of controlled substances. Considering that the necessity for such measures is dependent on individual circumstances, the DEA has not included them in the final rule. Instead, local DEA personnel, NTPs themselves, and relevant laws and regulations are trusted to determine if any additional measures are necessary.


In considering the safety of the mobile component while it is away from its registered location, the DEA understands that the decision on whether to utilize security personnel is a complex one. There are numerous factors that should be carefully considered in making this determination. 



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21 CFR 1301.72(e) stipulates that the mobile component must return to the registered location daily. The DEA understands that not all NTP locations may have sufficient space to accommodate overnight parking for the mobile clinic. Therefore, it is typically acceptable to park the mobile clinic in a secure fenced-in location.

Staff Safety

For similar reasons, the DEA defers the decision regarding safety measures to the NTP and relevant government bodies outside of the DEA to ensure the well-being of the mobile component's staff and patients. Various factors such as location, number of patients, and cost will influence the NTP's choice in determining the safety measures that will best protect the patients and staff.


In addition to DEA requirements, there are various other Federal, State, local, and tribal laws that these NTPs must consider when making their decisions. Therefore, because the appropriate protocols for a mobile NTP will differ based on circumstances and legal requirements, DEA will not attempt to specify additional requirements for NTPs as part of this rule. Email us to ask for our free resource document: Mission Mobile NTP Licensing Requirements.


Although DEA regulations broadly articulate basic security requirements, they cannot account for all security situations. Some situations may require additional security measures for a mobile NTP to be able to adequately guard against loss through theft or other forms of diversion.
Attempting to account for all such scenarios in advance through regulation is ineffective and may impose unnecessary restrictions on other mobile NTPs. DEA states they can best ensure that mobile NTPs provide adequate security by enabling local DEA offices (Diversion Investigators and SOTAs) to conduct case-by case evaluations as appropriate.
Although mobile NTPs present unique challenges, our team is confident we can support your mission, and the DEA is confident their team can work with our mobile NTPs to ensure that they operate securely.

We're here to help. Why not learn more?